Alien Creationism


Since the beginning of humanity, people have invented explanations for things they don't understand.
The culprits for the unexplained have evolved from gods and demons, to ghosts and spirits, to extraterrestrials. A recent study showed that almost 1 in 4 Americans believe that, at least some of the reported UFO's, are actually spacecraft from other worlds. Many people believe space aliens have visited Earth in the past - if they're not here right now.

Life may have been the result of intelligent aliens sending bacterium to Earth. This theory is called “directed panspermia”.

Directed panspermia concerns the deliberate transport of microorganisms in space to be used as introduced species on lifeless planets. Directed panspermia may have been sent to Earth to start life here, or may be sent from Earth to seed exoplanets with life.

Historically, Shklovskii and Sagan (1966) and Crick and Orgel (1973) hypothesized that life on Earth may have been seeded deliberately by other civilizations. Conversely, Mautner and Matloff (1979) and Mautner (1995, 1997) proposed that we ourselves should seed new planetary systems, protoplanetary discs or star-forming clouds with microorganisms, to secure and expand our organic gene/protein life-form. To avoid interference with local life, the targets may be young planetary systems where local life is unlikely. Directed panspermia can be motivated by biotic ethics that value the basic patterns of organic gene/protein life with its unique complexity and unity, and its drive for self-propagation.

Belonging to life then implies panbiotic ethics with a purpose to propagate and expand life in space. Directed panspermia for this purpose is becoming possible due to developments in solar sails, precise astrometry, the discovery of extrasolar planets, extremophiles and microbial genetic engineering. Cosmological projections suggests that life in space can then have an immense future.


Did Aliens Create Us?

Genetic engineering for 10,000 years? Some say YES!


About 30,000 to 10,000 years ago, something odd occurred in the evolution of homo sapiens: a new and different kind of modern human appeared almost magically and began evolving beside Neanderthal man in Europe and the Middle East.

The Saldanha Man of South Africa, the Montmaurin Man of France, the Rhodesian Man of Africa, and Neanderthal Man of Europe and the Middle East all existed generally during the early part of the upper Pleistocene era with the Neanderthal Man actually overlapping the appearance of Cro-Magnon Man of Europe after about 30,000 years ago.

There is ample evidence to suggest that Neanderthal Man and Modern Man lived side by side even up to historic times in Europe, the Neanderthals having been interbred with Modern Man to the point that they are no longer recognizable as Neanderthals in much the same way that the Ainu have merged into the mainstream of modern Japanese stock.

Cro-Magnon Man seems to have emerged as a separate species of homo sapiens and related sciences agree that in Earth's recent history, Cro-Magnon underwent a change that is difficult to explain: He lost most of his body hair and he began walking completely upright. He developed layers of fat to help keep him warm and sweat glands to keep him cool.

While scientists agree something happened to dramatically alter the human creature 30,000 to 10,000 years ago, leading him quite suddenly from a stone tool hunter--gatherer-wandering furry semi-primate tree and cliff dwelling society towards a monogamous-pair bonded-law-making-technologically oriented spaceward-looking society, they cannot, of course, agree on what the event was.

The skeletal remains of a tiny hominid (humanlike anthropoid) were discovered on the coast of Africa and are believed to date from about the same period (10,000 - 30,000 years ago).

The hominid was about three feet tall, had an enlarged head, and was very frail and slender when living. The jaw was so weak that it could not have been a predator; it could not have chewed raw meat or cracked bones. It would have been no stronger than a two-year old child.

But this tiny creature was discovered in layers of silt that were deposited upon the Earth during the Upper Pleistocene Period before Neanderthal Man faded into evolutionary history and during a period when Cro-Magnon Man underwent an unexplained change. Did a Zetan (Grey alien) get left behind? Was he bopped on the noggin by a right brain motivated Neanderthal who was immune to telepathic suggestion?

Theories abound in UFO mythology that claim humankind has been tampered with by aliens from Zeta Reticuli for about 10,000 years! According to some, humans have been genetically altered 65 times during that period. At least one person has come forward to state publicly that the government has a repository of information showing that the Zetans have "photographic" proof they have visited Earth since about 8000 B.C.


Now that we spoke of Creation Stories and how some relate to The Bible, 
were you aware that there are numerous stories that resemble those found in the Bible?

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Where You Just Came From

Part of How Did Life Begin Series

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